A Positive View on Conflicts

Conflict Resolution at School, an Opportunity to Enhance Socio-Emotional Learning


  • Lorena Silva Licenciada en psicología. Psicóloga general sanitaria. Especialista en psicoterapia. Escuela de psicoterapia y psicodrama especialista en niños y adolescentes. Profesora en el CES Bon Bosco


conflict, conflict resolution, emotional education, emotional well-being


Conflicts are part of our daily lives; moreover, they are essential in our personal and social development. This paper aims to reflect on the need to overcome the negative view on school conflicts, thus proposing a positive view considering them as a true chance to promote socio-emotional learning. Diverse aspects related to conflict and emotional education are analysed, like the true role of teachers, the emotional impact of conflicts on students and the socio-emotional learning during the conflict resolution process.


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How to Cite

Silva , L. (2019). A Positive View on Conflicts: Conflict Resolution at School, an Opportunity to Enhance Socio-Emotional Learning. Educación Y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada Y Experiencias Educativas, (41), 41–65. Retrieved from https://educacionyfuturo.com/article/view/7775