To Renew the Teaching of Catholic Religion Based on the Pedagogy of Interiority


  • Carlos Esteban Garcés Profesor titular de Pedagogía de la Religión. Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas San Pío X


pedagogy of interiority, the teaching of Catholic religion, school training, educational innovation


In the last few years the education of interiority has become one of the innovative pedagogical trends for the improvement of training processes at school. this pedagogical approach does not focus on cognitive learning or active methodologies, although it somehow takes part in them. the education of interiority focus more on the autonomous shaping of the subject, their inner world, the being, what we really are within the boundaries of our intimacy, thus dealing with the basis of all the other pillars of education. For us this is neither a trend nor just a method, but the paradigm to improve the educational projects. therefore in this paper we propose to open up spaces for dialogue between this educational paradigm and the teaching of religion, so that the latter can improve at both foundational and methodological levels. the first part-that includes the first five sections- focuses on education of interiority, while the second part aims to explore posible agreement areas between the teaching of religion and education of interiority.


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How to Cite

Esteban Garcés, C. (2020). To Renew the Teaching of Catholic Religion Based on the Pedagogy of Interiority. Educación Y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada Y Experiencias Educativas, (43), 17–47. Retrieved from