Gender Perspective in the Bacherlor’s Degree in Education


  • Albert Marquès-Donoso Licenciado en Sociología, profesor del Centro Universitario Don Bosco
  • Mercedes Reglero-Rada Doctora en Sociología, profesora del Centro Universitario Don Bosco


inequality, dehumanisation, gender violence, social cohesion, patriarchy, educational gap, competency-based approach, global education


The present research study, carried out at Don bosco university centre, associated centre to the complutense university of Madrid, aims to analyse the gender perspective approach in the competencies of the bachelor’s degrees in primary and early childhood education. the research process is based on the design of a tool with a double aim: 1) to find out the knowledge about gender inclusion and 2) evince the needs in the training process of future teachers from a gender perspective. This research aims therefore to deal with the concerns of pre-service teachers and gather their proposals to work on gender perspective at university level.


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How to Cite

Marquès-Donoso, A., & Reglero-Rada, M. (2022). Gender Perspective in the Bacherlor’s Degree in Education. Educación Y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada Y Experiencias Educativas, (47), 13–34. Retrieved from