Educational Experience on the Value of Historical Sources for Conceptualising Historical Time in Year 3 of Primary Education


  • Sandra Levas Peláez Maestra en educación primaria. Fundación ONCE
  • Víctor Manuel Cabañero Martín Departamento de Ciencias Experimentales, Ciencias Sociales y de la Matemática, Universidad de Valladolid


historical time, social time, writing, lived time, perceived time, conceptualised time, primary education


This article presents an educational experience conducted in a year 3 classroom in valladolid. In both the LOMLOE and LOMCE curricula, as well as in the earlier LOE framework, history related content introduces students to the concept of historical time and historical sources as classroom materials. This concept proves challenging for students due to its abstract nature. In this experience, writing was utilised, specifically focus-ing on a significant historical event—the invention of writing. additionally, an evolution-ary overview of writing materials throughout history was provided. The result is that students anchored their understanding of historical evolution to these materials. The post experience analysis aims to offer insight into the temporal references used by the students.


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How to Cite

Levas Peláez, S., & Cabañero Martín, V. M. (2024). Educational Experience on the Value of Historical Sources for Conceptualising Historical Time in Year 3 of Primary Education. Educación Y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada Y Experiencias Educativas, (51), 13–48. Retrieved from