El ciego de Molyneux

Un problema metafísico sobre interconexión sensorial


  • Ismael Martínez Liébana


In this article we refer to the problem posed to Locke to by the Irish scientist William Molyneux at the end of the 17th century, concerning a blind-born man who recovers vision as an adult. Classical and contemporary, empirist and rationalist theories concerning the relationship among the different sensorial fields-mainly sight and touch- are revised according to this principle. The contributions about it provided by the 18th century's French enlightened and some current well-known psychologists and neuropsychologists are properly analyzed here. The final goal of this paper is to outline the virtual fundamental of both a new sort of gnoseology and of metaphysics based on a volitive-tactile paradigm. Therefore the so-called "Critique of the tactile reason" is set up on these reflections.


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How to Cite

Martínez Liébana, I. (2002). El ciego de Molyneux: Un problema metafísico sobre interconexión sensorial. Educación Y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada Y Experiencias Educativas, (6), 65–79. Retrieved from https://educacionyfuturo.com/article/view/7239



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