My Experience as a Teacher of Catholic Religion in Secondary Education and a Level


  • Liliany Margarita Escorcia Torreglosa Licenciada en Ciencias Religiosas. Especialista en Enseñanza de la Religión e Inteligencias Múltiples. Profesora de Religión Católica en la Comunidad de Madrid


subject of Catholic religion, secondary stage, educational innovation, new methodologies, school projects, confessional


In the following pages you will find a reflection on the role of catholic religion as a subject, as well as the importance of their teachers in educational innovation at a secondary school level. catholic religion teachers make use of new methodologies and design projects integrating both pedagogical and social initiatives. These initiatives are managed by the religion department and are eventually implemented in the rest of the school. Without undermining the value of the subject itself and its curricular contents, these school projects and diverse methodologies have increased the number of students enrolled and has helped them develop the corresponding competencies. I hope that the information presented here might be helpful to know and value the subject of catholic religion as well as its role within education.


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How to Cite

Escorcia Torreglosa, L. M. . (2020). My Experience as a Teacher of Catholic Religion in Secondary Education and a Level. Educación Y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada Y Experiencias Educativas, (43), 165–181. Retrieved from